With Dave Kenny & Tony Rogers
This was our first visit to Sheigra towards the end of the MW DX season - previous DXpeditions having taken place at various times between late October and early February. However much to our surprise and despite the longer daylight hours at this time of year we were not at all disappointed by conditions which, if anything, were better than last November.
The first week of our stay coincided with exceptionally cold weather and heavy snowfall. Before we had finished putting all of the aerials up the whole area was blanketed by heavy snow and we were effectively cut off for several days, unable to leave the cottage by car. We were very grateful to the London Stores in Kinlochbervie who came to our rescue and managed to deliver a box of provisions just as we were about to run out! Even with a blazing coalfire in the DX shack-lounge, the indoor thermometer struggled to get above 11C that week: in the unheated bedrooms it hovered around 2 degrees for several days - falling to as low as zero indoors one night when Sutherland recorded the lowest temperature in the UK this winter - minus 22 degrees Celsius according to the BBC news!
The snow, which coincided with excellent North American MW reception, meant that the sheep were brought down from the hills into the valley - so they kept away from our aerial wires for the first week. The second week saw a rise in temperatures to around +10 C and the DX coincidentally also moved south to Latin America. The warmer weather meant that the sheep were put back to graze on the upper fields and unfortunately they seemed particularly partial to nibbling our wires and knocking the canes over: we had a constant battle to keep the aerials intact for the last few days. One night, a 20ft section of the Caribbean aerial was completely wrecked with the canes snapped and 10 breaks in the wire!
Towards the end of our first week, the John Muir Trust which owns the land at Sheigra, put up notices asking the public to keep out as a preventative measure against foot and mouth disease, but fortunately as we had arrived before the restrictions were put in place and had not been near any other farms the local crofters were happy for us to stay. Although the Highlands remains free of the disease, further DX visits to Sheigra for the time being are likely to be out of the question as all of the land on which the aerials are put up is used for grazing sheep and is now out of bounds to visitors.
Dave Kenny - AOR AR 7030+ and Lowe HF225 Europa with home built MW preamp
Tony Rogers - AOR AR 7030+ with Palstar AA30 preamp
(All long-wire beverages using 7-strand 0.2mm wire supported on 4-5ft bamboo canes)
270 degrees 450m terminated Caribbean and eastern North America
305 degrees 500m terminated General North America
330 degrees 600m terminated Alaska, Greenland, west coast North America
050 degrees 550m unterminated Far East, Asia
25/2 AM good ECNA down as far south as Florida and Cuba. PM Excellent strong signals from ECNA
26/2 AM/PM good ECNA - severe noise interference at times due to heavy snow
27/2 AM/PM good general ECNA reception
28/2 AM ECNA and Mid West - UT, BC heard around 1000. Fade-out 1040. PM Still good ECNA/Mid West
1/3 AM/PM good general ECNA reception continues. Also excellent Far East reception in afternoon.
2/3 AM fair ECNA to fade-out at 1045. PM excellent, very strong NAm signals tonight. Also Asians PM
3/3 AM ECNA & southern US states dominate - including MS and SC. F/out 1030. PM poor weak signals
4/3 AM fair ECNA to fade-out at 1010. PM massive signal from Bangui on 1440 kHz. Not much else
5-7/3 AM/PM mostly Latin Americans and afternoon Asians on MW. Reasonable SW signals at times
8/3 AM very good to Latin America. Fade-out 0950. PM fair to Latin America and Caribbean
9/3 AM good North American signals from as far west as Colorado. Fadeout approx 1000
Possible UK firsts or loggings of particular interest are marked with an asterisk (*).
540 0017 03/03 CBT Grand Falls NF CBC // 1400 560 2142 28/02 CHVO Carbonear NF Rod Stewart // VOCM 590 570 0058 03/03 WMCA New York NY “570 on the dial, you’ve found WMCA” 570 0050 03/03 CFCB Corner Brook NF CFCB nx, web promo cfcbradio.com 580 0737 25/02 CJFX Antigonish NS “CJFX Community Calender” 600 2142 28/02 CBNA St Anthony NF CBC nx // 1400 610 0801 25/02 WIOD Miami FL “It’s 3.01 on News-Radio 6-10 WIOD” 610 2340 28/02 CHNC New Carlisle PQ (Pres) talk in FF // 1150 620 2253 25/02 CKCM Grand Falls NF VOCM, C&W mx // 590, 650 630 0023 03/03 CFCY Charlottetown PEI ID, wx from “CFCY weather centre” 640 2107 26/02 CBN St Johns NF Fisheries px // 750, 1400 650 1148 28/02 KNR Qeqertarsuaq GRN Talk in Greenlandic 650 2155 25/02 CKGA Gander NF VOCM // 590 660 2346 28/02 WFAN New York NY Ads, jingle “Sports Radio 66 WFAN New York” 670 2145 28/02 CKXB Musgravetown NF EE religous pxs, 2200 VOCM relay 680 1115 01/03 KBRW Barrow AK Local insert - KBRW info line. Still there at 1505 recheck with local wx for Barrow 680 2351 28/02 WRKO Boston MA ID, mixed with CKXG 680 2354 28/02 CKXG Grand Falls NF C&W, ID “6-80 AM KIXX Country” 690 0125 01/03 CINF Verden PQ (Pres) FF nx, wx, tentative ID 700 0002 02/03 WLW Cincinnatti OH Nx, ID 710 2204 28/02 CKVO Clarenville NF VOCM // 590 720 0134 01/03 CHTN Charlottetown PEI “Good Time Oldies 7-20 CHTN” 730 0027 03/03 CKAC Montreal PQ Baseball - Montreal Expo’s, ID, ads, FF 740 0905 25/02 CHCM Marystown NF VOCM 5 day wx 750 2100 26/02 CBGY Bonavista Bay NF Fisheries px // 640, 1400 770 2358 28/02 WABC New York NY ID “WABC New York” 780 2213 28/02 CFDR Dartmouth NS “Classic Country 7-80 KIXX” 790 0002 01/03 CFNW Port-au-Choix NF VOCM ID, phone-in 790 0935 25/2 WAXY South Miami FL Promo for phone-in call 930 0790 790* 0008 01/03 CFAN Newcastle NB Pop mx, ID, mixed with CFNW 800 2235 26/02 VOWR St John’s NF Easy listening mx, “... right here on VOWR” 810 2358 02/03 CJVA Caraquet NB FF rock, ID “La Super Station au Bathurst”, stronger than BBC R Scotland! 820 0020 01/03 WNYC New York NY Promo for WNYC Winter Fundraiser 830 2228 02/03 WCRN Worcester MA (pres) “Swing 8-30” ID 840 0122 01/03 WHAS Louisville KY “84 WHAS”, ads 850 0027 01/03 WEEI Boston MA Boston college basketball, ads 880 0110 01/03 WCBS New York NY Wx, “8.10 on WCBS”, ads 900 1105 01/03 KNR Uummannaq GRN Nx in Danish // 650 920 0930 25/02 CJCH Halifax NS Ad for oil industry in Nova Scotia 930 2050 24/02 CJYQ St John’s NF “Radio Newfoundland”, St John’s Maple Leafs 940 0126 01/03 CINW Montreal PQ “Montreal’s own all-news station, 9-40 News” 950 0913 25/02 CHER Sydney NS “Oldies 9-50 CHER” 960 0922 25/02 CHNS Halifax NS “Oldies 96 CHNS” 960 0130 01/03 WEAV Plattsburg NY Phil Henry Show, ID 970 2259 02/03 CBZ Fredericton NB ID “CBC Radio 1” 970 2320 02/03 WZAN Portland ME Ads, ID “9-70 WZAN” 990 2238 28/02 CBY Corner Brook NF CBC news // 1400 1000 1006 26/02 CKBW Bridgewater NS Nx, ID, C&W track 1010 0933 25/02 WINS New York NY “WINS newstime 4.33” 1010 0102 03/03 CFRB Toronto ON Nx report “.... on CFRB news” 1020 0142 01/03 KDKA Pittsburgh PA Ads, ID “KDKA AM 10-20” 1030 0840 26/02 WBZ Boston MA “WBZ News Radio 10-30” 1050 0625 27/02 WEVD New York NY “News Talk 10-50 WEVD” 1060* 2350 02/03 WLNO New Orleans LA Rel px ID “New Orleans most powerful Christian Station” 1070 2150 25/02 CBA Moncton NB CBC phone in // CBG 1400 1080 2248 28/02 WTIC Hartford CT “WTIC News Talk 10-80” 1090 0110 03/03 WBAL Baltimore MD ID, ads 1100 2306 02/03 WTAM Cleveland OH “News Radio WTAM Eleven hundred”, wx 1110 0159 01/03 WBT Charlotte NC Hornets basketball commentary 1130 2304 26/02 WBBR New York NY tc, ads, wx, usual mention of Bloomberg 1130 1010 01/03 CKWX Vancouver BC “News 11-30”, 5º in dowtown Vancouver 1140 2154 25/02 CBI Sydney NS CBC phone in // CBN 640 1150 2341 28/02 CHGM Gaspe PQ (Pres) FF songs, talk // 610 1160 1030 28/02 KSL Salt Lake City UT ID, oldies track 1180 0123 03/03 WHAM Rochester NY “WHAM, Rochester, New York”, phone-in 1190 0930 26/02 WLIB New York NY “AM 11-90 WLIB” 1240 0935 26/02 CKIM Baie Verte NF Wx, ID “6-20 VOCM” 1250 0900 03/03 WEAE Pittsburgh PA “Pittsburgh’s best and first all sports radio station, WEAE” 1250 0900 03/03 CBGA Matane PQ “Vous ecoute Radio Canada”, nx, FF 1260 0921 03/03 WMKI Boston MA “AM 12-60 Boston, Radio Disney” 1270 2135 26/02 CJCB Sydney NS “12-70 CJCB” 1270 2346 28/02 WTSN Dover NH “This is Dover’s great 12-70 WTSN” 1290 0913 03/03 CHRM Matane PQ (Pres) Talk in FF // 610, 1150 1290 0905 09/03 WJNO West Palm Beach FL Art Bell Coast to Coast AM. News radio 1290 ID 1320 2106 24/02 CKEC New Glasgow NS Mx, ID “Stevie Wonder on 13-20 CKEC” 1350 0255 26/02 WOYK York PA ESPN Sports, ID “Sports Radio 13-50 WOYK” 1350 2350 28/02 WGPL Portsmouth VA “Gospel Connection on 13-50 WGPL” 1350 0931 02/03 CKAD Middleton NS Full details of all five stations in AVR network 1360 2305 28/02 CKBC Bathurst NB CKBC nx, wx, C&W mx 1370 0032 02/03 WDEA Ellsworth ME “AM 13-70 WDEA”, wx & nostalgia mx 1390 0300 01/03 WEGP Presque Isle ME “WEGP 13-90 Presque Isle” 1390 0945 02/03 WXTC Charleston SC “Charleston’s number one Gospel music voice, Heaven 13-90” 1400 2057 24/02 CBG Gander NF ID “Radio was born here, it lives here. CBC Radio One, Newfoundland and Labrador” 1400 0145 01/03 WOND Pleasantville NJ “News Talk 14-00 WOND” 1410 2346 01/03 WPOP Hartford CT “ESPN Radio 14-10”, sports nx 1420 1011 25/02 CKDY Digby NS AVR ID, travel nx 1420* 0900 28/02 WAOC St Augustine FL “Money Talk 14-20 WAOC St Augustine ....” 1430 2252 25/02 WXKS Everett MA “We are AM 14-30 WXKS” 1430 2300 25/02 WNSW Newark NJ “14-30 WNSW Newark-New York City” 1430* 0703 27/02 WLKF Lakeland FL Promo “on Talk Station WLKF Lakeland” 1430 1015 28/02 KYO Ogden UT Joey Reynolds show, ID “14-30 KYO” 1430 1010 09/03 KEZW Aurora CO MoR track ID “...AM 14-30 KEZW” 1440 2305 25/02 WJAE Portland ME “Sports Radio WJAE 14-40 and FM 95-5” 1450 2305 08/03 VSB1 Hamilton, Bermuda Promo for “VSB 1160 AM” 1450 0831 01/03 CFAB Windsor NS C&W, AVR ID 1460 2310 25/02 WGNA Albany NY relay WGNA-FM, “WGNA Countdown”, mx 1470 0757 27/02 WWNN Pompano Beach FL “WWNN Pompano Beach, WSVR .....” 1470 0956 03/03 WLMC Georgetown SC ID “WLMC” 1480 0907 25/02 WSAR Fall River MA ID, (? Josey Rennels) show 1490 1004 25/02 CKEN Kentville NS AVR nx, ID, wx, “AVR pays cash for news” 1490 2306 01/03 WBAE Portland ME “Music of your life, 14-90 The Bay” 1500 0905 25/02 WTOP Washington DC “WTOP news time .... WTOP traffic centre” 1500 2246 01/03 WFIF Milford CT ID, how to support WFIF 1510 2359 08/03 WWZM Boston MA “WWZM Boston AM 15-10”, One-on-One Sport 1520 2330 01/03 WWKB Buffalo NY “Business Talk Radio WWKB 15-20” 1540 0018 01/03 WPTR Albany NY “AM 15-40 WPTR” 1540 0100 06/03 CHIN Toronto ON (Pres) slogan “This is the voice of Tamil radio” 1560 2335 25/02 WQEW New York NY “Radio Disney Countdown” chart mx 1570 2313 01/03 WFLR Dundee NY “Country 15-70 AM WFLR” 1580 0920 03/03 WZZJ Pascagoula MS Christian rock, “AM 15-80 WZZJ” 1590 2233 26/02 WSMN Nashua NH ID, phone-in about cars 1590 0930 01/03 WARV Warwick RI “Life changing radio, WARV”, religous px 1590 0820 09/03 WAKR Akron OH ID promo “15-90 WAKR” 1600 1000 25/02 WUNR Brookline MA MA T of hour ID “This is WUNR Brookline” 1600 0834 28/02 WKWF Key West FL “WKWF Sports Radio 16-00” 1600 2254 01/03 WWRL New York NY “... right here on WWRL” 1600 1000 09/03 WQOP Atlantic Beach FL “WQOP Atlantic Beach-Jacksonville”, rel px 1600* 0953 03/03 WMNE W Palm Beach FL (pres) “Radio Disney, AM 16-00” 1620 2259 28/02 WHLY South Bend IN “Great songs and great melodies on WHLY” 1620 2359 28/02 WTAW College Station TX “6 o’clock at WTAW” 1630 2303 25/02 WRDW Augusta GA Promo “here on News Talk 16-30 WRDW” 1640 0003 01/03 WKSH Sussex WI Religious px, “WKSH Sussex, Milwaukee, Wisconsin” 1650* 0355 28/02 KWHN Fort Smith AR Ads, promo for Arklahoma AM”, ID (transmitter is in OK, per Glenn Hauser) 1650 0953 28/02 WHKT Portsmouth VA “Timeless classics on AM 16-50 WHKT” 1660 0950 25/02 WMIB Marco FL “Unforgettable 14-80 WODX and 16-60 WMIB” 1660 2148 25/02 WWRU Jersey City NY SS ID “Radio Unica” 1660 1015 28/02 KXOL Brigham City UT Oldies “KXOL 16-60 - taking you back” 1670 2350 01/03 WRNC Warner Robins GA “All new Cat Country 96 ... WRNC” 1680 2245 26/02 WTTM Princeton NJ “ESPN Radio 16-80” traffic nx 1680 1010 02/03 WTIR Winter Garden FL Travel Information Radio, wx 1690 2359 01/03 WPTX Lexington Park MD “News, weather and sport, 16-90 AM WPTX Lexington Park” 1700 0656 25/02 WAFN Miami FL Voz Cristiana SS, ID “WAFN Miami Springs” 1700 2357 28/02 KTBK Sherman TX “Sports Radio 13-10 The Ticket”
530 0047 02/03 R Vision Cristiana, South Turk, T&C PP religious talk, USA address, ID’s 830 0928 05/03 Trinity Broadcasting Network, Nevis Religion // 7510 830 0834 09/03 R Reloj, Holguin, Cuba Talk in SS, ID, time pips in background 890 0959 28/02 R Progreso, Ciego de Avila, Cuba ID in SS “Radio Progreso, Cadena Nacional” 930 0929 25/02 R Reloj, multi-tx, Cuba Nx in SS, time pips In background 950 0915 25/02 R Reloj, Habana, Cuba Talk in SS, ID, time pips in background 1130 0928 07/03 R Cadena de Noticias, Sto Domingo, Dominican Rep SS nx reports about Dom Rep, jingle, ID 1160 0016 06/03 Caribbean R Lighthouse, Antigua US religious px, ID, Bible quiz 1180 1004 26/02 R Rebelde, Habana, Cuba Nx, “Rebelde Habana” ID 1400 2359 07/03 Harbour Light of the Windwards, Carricou, Grenada ID, TC, Religious px 1480 2240 05/03 WMDD, Tropical 14-80, Fajardo, Puerto Rico SS mx, ID’s “Tropical 14-80” 1570* 0154 01/03 TGVE, R Voz Evangelica de America, Guatemala Orchestral mx, SS ID 1570 2303 05/03 R Amanacer, Sto Domingo, Dominican Rep SS choral singing // 6025 1580 0033 06/03 WMTI, Morovis, Puerto Rico SS mx, TC 8.33, “desde Morovis” 1600 2250 05/03 WLUZ, R Romantica, Baymon, Puerto Rico SS ID “Romantica 1600” 1610 0703 25/02 University Network, Anguilla Dr Gene Scott // WWCR 5935 1660 2200 25/02 WGIT, Canovanas, Puerto Rico SS ballads, IDs “Gigante 16-60”
600 0835 07/03 R Libertad, Baranquilla, COL (pres) Anns “Voz de Colombia” and “en Colombia Mundial”, TC 3.42, SS 650 0750 09/03 RCN Antena 2, Bogota, COL ID “Antena Dos”, mx, SS 760 0831 09/03 RCN, Barranquilla, COL RCN ID, nx headlines, SS // 770 770 0832 09/03 RCN, Bogota, COL Nx headlines, SS // 760 850 0854 07/03 YVZC R Fe y Alegria, Maracaibo, VEN Mx, SS ID “Radio Fe y Alegria 850” 920 2337 05/03 ZP1 R Nac del Paraguay, Asuncion, PRG SS talk // 9737 kHz 970 0810 07/03 HJCI R Super, Bogota, COL SS ID “Cadena Super” 980 0837 08/03 HJES RCN, Cali, COL Jingle “RCN”, SS ID 1000* 0057 06/03 YVNM Caribena AM, Moron, VEN SS mx, ID “Caribena Mil AM” (ex R Mundial) 1020 0004 06/03 YVMX R Calendario, Maracaibo, VEN Ads, SS ID 1110 2325 05/03 YVQT R Carupano, Carupano, VEN SS ID, mx 1250* 0826 08/03 HJHS Caracol, Cucuta, COL LA mx, ID “Reloj musica en Caracol” 1290 0818 08/03 YVLF R Puerto Cabello, VEN SS mx, ID 1350 2254 07/03 LS6 R Buenos Aires, ARG SS ID, sports px 1380 0107 06/03 YVNG Ondas del Mar, Pto Cabello VEN SS ID 1390 0858 07/03 R Catolica Mundial relay via ?? SS religious px 1390 0935 07/03 YVZA R Fe y Alegria, Caracas, VEN SS ID, mx 1420 2300 05/03 YVNZ R Marabina, Maracaibo, VEN SS ID, mx 1430 2155 05/03 ZYJ200 R Clube Paranaense, Curitiba, BRZ Talk in PP, jingle, ID // 9725 1470 0005 02/03 YVSY R Vibracion, Carupano, VEN ID, promo, SS 1500 0803 07/03 YVRZ R Dos Mil, Cumana, VEN Ads, anns, SS ID 1520 2330 05/03 HJLI Ecos del Palmar, Bogota, COL SS mx, full ID @ 2332 1600 2145 05/03 ZYK799 R Nove de Julho, Sao Paulo, BRZ PP talk, ID, jingle @ 2200 1630 2243 03/03 La Red 92, Buenos Aires, ARG Talk in SS mentioning La Plata, jingle 1670 2230 05/03 BBC WS relay, Buenos Aires, ARG SS nx, ID “BBC de Londres”
603 1513 28/02 CBS, Lukang, Taiwan CC talk // 1008 711* 1600 01/03 V of Kuanghua, Hsinfeng, Taiwan CC talk, ID “Hansheng ....” 711* 1537 01/03 HLKA, Sorae, South Korea (pres) Opera mx // 1467, 3930 927 1510 28/02 CBS, Changchih, Taiwan Variety Network, ID in CC // 1098 981 1607 02/03 CNR1, multi-tx, China Nx in CC // 1593, 6750 1008 1515 01/03 CBS, Lukang, Taiwan Nx in CC // 603 & 6040 1071 1645 08/03 All India R, Rajkot (pres) Indian mx (possibly // 1134) 1098 1500 28/02 CBS, Kouhu, Taiwan Time pips, fanfare, ID in CC // 927 1134 1625 08/03 All India R, Mogra (pres) Indian mx, talk (nx?) at 1630 in unid lang 1134 1637 08/03 R Kuwait, Sulaibiyah AA phone-in // 9880 1143 1458 28/02 VOA, Poro, Philippines VOA News Now in EE 1242 1630 03/03 Voice of Vietnam, Hanoi Sign-on of English service, very strong 1251* 1615 08/03 BBC WS via Yangi-Yul, Tajikistan BBC Persian service sign-on, ID // 6195 1359* 1610 08/03 CNR1, China (unknown site) Talk in CC // 6750 1377 1541 26/02 CNR1 Henan, China CC drama // 7275 1386 0106 03/03 IRIB, Ahwaz, Iran Koran // 1566 etc 1413* 1550 02/03 Urumqi, Xinjiang, China Relay CNR8 in Uighur // 5800, 7935 etc 1430 1646 04/03 IRIB, Esfahan, Iran Talk in Farsi // 15084 1440 2218 26/02 BSKSA, Damman, Saudi Arabia Talk in AA // 1521 1548 2255 03/03 VOA Kuwait VOA News Now, US govt opinion on Zimbabwe 1467 1537 01/03 HLKN, Mokp’o, South Korea (pres) Opera mx // 711, 3930 1467* 1500 28/02 Fujian PBS, Fuzhou ID in CC “Fujian xinxi guangbo diantai” 1467.05 1945 04/03 IRIB, Qom, Iran Talk in Farsi // 1430 1476* 1540 26/02 R Thailand, Lamphun s/off with Thai royal anthem @ 1557 (same [Chiang Mai provincal network] 1607 27/02, 1603 28/02, 1607 01/03, 1558 02/03, 1555 03/03, 1600 04/03, 1602 08/03) 1476 1702 26/02 UAE R, Dubai Nx in AA // 13675 1503 0103 03/03 IRIB, Bushehr, Iran Koran // 1566 etc 1521 1430 26/02 CRI, Xinjiang, China RR svc - Chinese economics nx 1521 2219 26/02 BSKSA, Duba, Saudi Arabia Talk in AA // 1440 1557 1458 28/02 Family R, Taiwan CC ID, familyradio.com website announced 1566 1640 26/02 All India R, Nagpur Parliamentary relay, EE/Hindi 1566 0104 03/03 IRIB, Bandar Abbas, Iran Koran // 1386, 1503 1566 1659 08/03 HLAZ, Cheju, South Korea FEBC RR service ID, into Korean 1575 1545 28/02 VOA, Bangkok, Thailand VOA Special English // 12040 1575 2300 03/03 Al-Mustaqbal (Iraqi opposition via Kuwait) ID, anns, Koran, AA 1593 1627 26/02 Uzbek R, Jar-Kurghon Uzbek songs // 4850 1593 1644 26/02 All India R, Bhopal Talk in Hindi // 3315 1593 1640 01/03 CNR1, China (unknown site) CC ID’s // 5320 etc
1440* 2215 04/03 R Centafrique, Bangui Continuous African mx, FF ID, sign-off 2300, stronger than Saudi! 1550 1922 26/02 National Radio of SADR Saharan songs & mx // SW 7357 1593 1700 04/03 R Matrah, Egypt AA songs, ID “Idaa’t al Matrah”
981 1021 26/02 R Star Country, Ireland ID, talk about the soaps 1006.8 1553 08/03 Belarusian Radio 2 multi-tx - one site off-channel from 1008 1287 1230 27/02 LPAM BFBS Northern Ireland Interview about Ballykelly Family Centre 1431 1205 26/02 Fresh AM, Ilkley Wx, ID 1467 1730 08/03 R Pridnestrovye, Trans-Dnestr Ukrainian service, ID “Hovori Tiraspol” 1530 1034 02/03 NBS, Keflavik, Iceland “Radio Newsline Keflavik” - local US military announcements
(All suggestions welcome.)
702 1509 01/03 UNID - Chinese Talk in CC 1330 0929 03/03 UNID - US station “News Radio 13-30 W...” 1490** 0915 09/03 UNID - US station Continuous tape loop: “Home Town Radio 14-90 W??? - now in our 50th year” [**this has subsequently been IDd as WGEZ, Beloit, WI] 1539 1525 01/03 UNID - Chinese Talk in CC (not CNR) 1540 2325 08/03 UNID - possibly R Bahamas? relay of UN Radio news in EE 1550 0933 08/03 UNID - nothing with this name listed LA mx, clear SS ID “Radio Impacto” 1570 0858 26/02 UNID - Not R Sensasion orchestral mx, SS ID R (?Institucion) 1570 0920 01/03 UNID - US station “from the home of (?Winola College) football W...”
Dave & Tony