BDXC-News is the Club's news service on It is the place where any essential club announcements will be made and where the link to the BDXC Audio Circle will be given. It is also there for members to pass on topical news about DX catches, new radio stations, schedule changes, or other relevant timely information about the hobby.
BDXC-News is free to use and available only to club members. If you are not a member of the British DX Club, please see the application form for details of how to join.
To subscribe, simply go to the BDXC-News page on and click on the blue box "Apply For Membership In This Group" .
As the list is only open to BDXC members, all applications are vetted manually to ensure that only members join. We aim for a response within 24 hours or so.
Once you are subscribed to the list, you will be able to post messages to the list from your subscribed address at any time. Please be responsible when posting and do not allow any message you might later regret to leave your machine! The club reserves the right to moderate or delete messages which are off topic, political or offensive or which duplicate previous messages.
Please note that you can only send messages using exactly the same e-mail address as the one you are registered with. Using any other address will cause your message to be delayed or refused by the service. If your e-mail address changes, you must re-subscribe with your new address. Email us with details if your address has already changed. If you are able, you can unsubscribe yourself from your old address and then re-subscribe from your new address following the procedure above.
If you have a mail reader that can sort or filter incoming mail according to a set of rules, then you can use the subject field to do this. [BDXC-news] is added automatically to the title of every message to make sorting easy and to allow easy identification for those not having advanced mail readers.
Once subscribed to BDXC-news you can opt to receive a daily digest of messages instead of every posting, or you can chose to view messages only on the web site.
Subscribers to the BDXC-news list can view an archive of all postings at Messages
Please note that messages, tips etc should not be copied to other electronic or paper bulletins/magazines, unless full credit is given to both the originator of the message and to BDXC-UK.
If you have any queries about this service or problems subscribing please e-mail: bdxc[at] **
** When sending an email [at] should be replaced with the @ symbol. Email addresses are shown this way on our web site to deter spam.
** When sending an email [at] should be replaced with the @ symbol. Email addresses are shown this way on our web site to deter spam.