Print out and fill in the application form below (or send details by email or in writing) and send it with your payment to:
British DX Club, 10 Hemdean Hill, Caversham, Reading, RG4 7SB, UK.
E-mail enquiries to: bdxc[at] **
** When sending an email [at] should be replaced with the @ symbol. Email addresses are shown this way on our web site to deter spam.
The current rates for 12 months membership (please double these rates for 24 months) are:
We accept the following methods of payment:
All cheques and Postal Orders should be made payable to British DX Club
If you would like to pay by bank transfer, or have any other queries, please email us at: bdxc[at] **
Name: _________________________________________________________
Address: _______________________________________________________
Postal code: ____________________________________________________
E-mail address: _________________________________________________
How did you hear about BDXC?: _____________________________________
BDXC will fully protect and respect your privacy and personal data. Our Privacy Statement can be found here.