British DX Club


The following abbreviations may be used in Communication:

tr> tr>
Abbreviation Meaning
AA Arabic
ad(s) advertisement(s)
add address
ADSL/td> Assymetric Digital Subscriber Line (unsually refers to internet service via telephone line)
Af Africa
AIR All India Radio
alt alternative frequency
Am America(s)
AM amplitude modulation
amp amplifier
ann(s) announcement(s)
As Asia
ATU aerial tuning unit
Au Australasia/Pacific
AWR Adventist World Radio
BVB Bible Voice Broadcasting
CADS Community Audio Distribution Services
CB Citizens Band
CET Central European Time
CEST Central European Summer Time
C&W country & western music
CC Chinese
CD Compact Disc
Cland clandestine
CR community radio
CW morse code
DAB digital audio broadcasting
DD Dutch
Dom domestic
DRM Digital Radio Mondiale
DSB double sideband
DST Daylight Saving Time
DTH direct to home
DVD Digital Versatile Disc or Digital Video Disc
DX long distance reception
EE English
EST Eastern Standard Time (USA/Canada)
Eu Europe
Ext external
f/d full-data QSL
FF French
FM frequency modulation
Fq frequency
GG German
GHz GigaHertz
GMT Greenwich Mean Time (=UTC)
GOS General Overseas Service
HD High Definition
HF high frequency (= shortwave)
HFCC High Frequency Coordination Conference
HQ headquarters
IBOC In Band On Channel
ID identification
IF intermediate frequency
II Italian
ILR Independent Local Radio
IN Indonesian
inf information
Int international
IRC International Reply Coupon
IRN Independent Radio News
IS interval signal
ISB independent sideband
J jamming (when next to a frequency in HF logbook)
JJ Japanese
kHz kiloHertz
kW kiloWatt
LA Latin America
LPAM Low Power AM
LPFM Low Power FM
LRSL Long Term RSL
lsb lower sideband
LUF lowest usable frequency
LV La Voz
LW longwave
m metre
ME Middle East
MF medium frequency (mediumwave)
MHz MegaHertz
MUF maximum usable frequency
MW mediumwave(or MegaWatt)
mx music
NA national anthem
NAm North America
nx news
OM man (male)
PC personal comupter
PLC Power Line Communications
PLT Power Line Telecoms
PP Portuguese
ppc prepared post card - (a self-made QSL card) you sent to the radio station to be endorsed and returned to you)
PRES presumed
px programme(s)
QRG frequency
QRM interference (man made)
QRN interference (natural static/atmospheric noise)
QSB fading
QSL confirm/verify
QSO Two stations in contact
QTH location/address
R Radio
Rdiff Radiodiffusion
RDS Radio Data Service
rel religious
RF radio frequency
RN Radio Nacional
rpt reports/reported
RR Russian
RSGB Radio Society of Great Britain
RSL Restricted Service Licence
RTTY radio teletype transmission
rx receiver
sae stamped addressed envelope
sat satellite
sch schedule
SDR software-defined radio
s/off sign off
s/on sign on
SS Spanish
ssb single Sideband
svce service
SW shortwave
sx songs / singing
t/ch time check
TENT tentative logging
TS time signal
TT Turkish
tx transmission/transmitter
TWR Trans World Radio
UHF ultra high frequency
UNID unidentified
URL Universal Resource Locator (ie web address)
usb upper sideband
UTC Universal Coordinated Time (=GMT)
v variable frequency (eg 6240v)
VHF very high frequency
VLF very low frequency
VO Voice of
v/s verification signer
VV vernacular language
W Watts
w/ with
WRN World Radio Network
WS World Service
WWW world wide web
wx weather
X-band extended mediumwave band: 1600-1700 kHz
XYL wife
YL woman/female
73s best wishes
88s love & kisses
// parallel frequency
$ dollars
$C Canadian dollars

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This page updated: 13 Jul 18