The following abbreviations may be used in Communication:
Abbreviation | Meaning |
AA | Arabic |
ad(s) | advertisement(s) |
add | address |
ADSL/td> | Assymetric Digital Subscriber Line (unsually refers to internet service via telephone line) |
Af | Africa |
AIR | All India Radio |
alt | alternative frequency |
Am | America(s) |
AM | amplitude modulation |
amp | amplifier |
ann(s) | announcement(s) |
As | Asia |
ATU | aerial tuning unit |
Au | Australasia/Pacific |
AWR | Adventist World Radio |
BVB | Bible Voice Broadcasting |
CADS | Community Audio Distribution Services |
CB | Citizens Band | CET | Central European Time | tr>CEST | Central European Summer Time |
C&W | country & western music |
CC | Chinese |
CD | Compact Disc |
Cland | clandestine |
CR | community radio |
CW | morse code |
DAB | digital audio broadcasting |
DD | Dutch |
Dom | domestic |
DRM | Digital Radio Mondiale |
DSB | double sideband |
DST | Daylight Saving Time |
DTH | direct to home |
DVD | Digital Versatile Disc or Digital Video Disc |
DX | long distance reception |
EE | English |
EST | Eastern Standard Time (USA/Canada) |
Eu | Europe |
Ext | external |
f/d | full-data QSL |
FF | French |
FM | frequency modulation |
Fq | frequency |
GG | German |
GHz | GigaHertz |
GMT | Greenwich Mean Time (=UTC) |
GOS | General Overseas Service |
HD | High Definition |
HF | high frequency (= shortwave) |
HFCC | High Frequency Coordination Conference |
HQ | headquarters |
IBOC | In Band On Channel |
ID | identification |
IF | intermediate frequency |
II | Italian |
ILR | Independent Local Radio |
IN | Indonesian |
inf | information |
Int | international |
IRC | International Reply Coupon |
IRN | Independent Radio News |
IS | interval signal |
ISB | independent sideband |
J | jamming (when next to a frequency in HF logbook) |
JJ | Japanese |
kHz | kiloHertz |
kW | kiloWatt |
LA | Latin America |
LPAM | Low Power AM |
LPFM | Low Power FM |
LRSL | Long Term RSL |
lsb | lower sideband |
LUF | lowest usable frequency |
LV | La Voz |
LW | longwave |
m | metre |
ME | Middle East |
MF | medium frequency (mediumwave) |
MHz | MegaHertz |
MUF | maximum usable frequency |
MW | mediumwave(or MegaWatt) |
mx | music |
NA | national anthem |
NAm | North America |
nx | news |
OM | man (male) |
PC | personal comupter |
PLC | Power Line Communications |
PLT | Power Line Telecoms |
PP | Portuguese |
ppc | prepared post card - (a self-made QSL card) you sent to the radio station to be endorsed and returned to you) |
PRES | presumed |
px | programme(s) |
QRG | frequency |
QRM | interference (man made) |
QRN | interference (natural static/atmospheric noise) |
QSB | fading |
QSL | confirm/verify |
QSO | Two stations in contact |
QTH | location/address |
R | Radio |
Rdiff | Radiodiffusion |
RDS | Radio Data Service |
rel | religious |
RF | radio frequency |
RN | Radio Nacional |
rpt | reports/reported |
RR | Russian |
RSGB | Radio Society of Great Britain |
RSL | Restricted Service Licence |
RTTY | radio teletype transmission |
rx | receiver |
sae | stamped addressed envelope |
sat | satellite |
sch | schedule |
SDR | software-defined radio |
s/off | sign off |
s/on | sign on |
SS | Spanish |
ssb | single Sideband |
svce | service |
SW | shortwave |
sx | songs / singing |
t/ch | time check |
TENT | tentative logging |
TS | time signal |
TT | Turkish |
tx | transmission/transmitter |
TWR | Trans World Radio |
UHF | ultra high frequency |
UNID | unidentified |
URL | Universal Resource Locator (ie web address) |
usb | upper sideband |
UTC | Universal Coordinated Time (=GMT) |
v | variable frequency (eg 6240v) |
VHF | very high frequency |
VLF | very low frequency |
VO | Voice of |
v/s | verification signer |
VV | vernacular language |
W | Watts |
w/ | with |
WRN | World Radio Network |
WS | World Service |
WWW | world wide web |
wx | weather |
X-band | extended mediumwave band: 1600-1700 kHz |
XYL | wife |
YL | woman/female |
73s | best wishes |
88s | love & kisses |
// | parallel frequency |
$ | dollars |
$C | Canadian dollars |